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Fluffy puffs mashed potatoes

  • Author: Emily


Fluffy Puffs Mashed Potatoes are the perfect side dish to elevate any meal. Whether you’re preparing for a family dinner, a holiday gathering, or simply looking to make your weeknight meals more comforting, this recipe delivers the ultimate creamy, buttery mashed potatoes. The “fluffy” texture comes from careful preparation and a few key techniques that ensure light, airy potatoes every time. These mashed potatoes aren’t just a side dish—they’re a crowd-pleaser that adds warmth and satisfaction to any table.




Ingredients List

  • 45 large Russet or Yukon Gold potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
  • 1 stick (8 tablespoons) of unsalted butter, softened
  • ½ cup of whole milk or heavy cream (adjust based on desired creaminess)
  • 1 ½ teaspoons of salt, plus more for boiling water
  • ½ teaspoon of black pepper (optional)
  • Optional add-ins:
    • 3 cloves of garlic, minced (for garlic mashed potatoes)
    • ½ cup of grated parmesan or cheddar cheese (for cheesy mashed potatoes)
    • 1 tablespoon of finely chopped chives (for garnish)


Step-by-step Instructions

Step 1: Prepare the Potatoes

Peel the potatoes and cut them into uniform chunks, about 1½ inches thick. Uniformity ensures that the potatoes cook evenly, preventing some pieces from being overcooked while others remain undercooked. Place the cut potatoes in a large pot, and cover them with cold, salted water.

Step 2: Boil the Potatoes

Bring the water to a boil over medium-high heat, and cook the potatoes until they are fork-tender, about 20-25 minutes. You can check the doneness by inserting a fork into the potatoes; if it goes through easily, they are ready. Drain the potatoes thoroughly and let them sit in the colander for 5-10 minutes to allow excess moisture to evaporate.

Step 3: Warm the Butter and Milk

While the potatoes are resting, heat the butter and milk (or cream) in a small saucepan over low heat until the butter has melted. Warming these ingredients ensures that they incorporate more smoothly into the potatoes without cooling them down, which can affect texture.

Step 4: Mash the Potatoes

Transfer the potatoes to a large mixing bowl or back into the pot. Using a potato ricer or masher, begin mashing the potatoes. If you’re using a ricer, pass the potatoes through the ricer in batches. If you’re using a masher, work gently, avoiding over-mashing, which can make the potatoes gluey.

Step 5: Add Butter and Milk Mixture

Gradually pour the melted butter and milk mixture into the potatoes while continuing to mash. Add a little at a time, mashing in between, to ensure everything is evenly incorporated. The potatoes should begin to look light and fluffy.

Step 6: Season the Potatoes

Season the mashed potatoes with salt and pepper, adjusting to taste. Be careful not to over-salt. If you’re adding optional ingredients like garlic or cheese, now is the time to fold them in gently.

Step 7: Serve and Garnish

Once everything is well combined, transfer the mashed potatoes to a serving dish. Garnish with freshly chopped chives or a pat of butter for an extra luxurious finish. Serve immediately for the best texture and flavor.


Pro Tips for Extra Fluffiness

  • Use Warm Ingredients: Always add warm butter and milk to your mashed potatoes. Cold ingredients can cool the potatoes too quickly and prevent them from absorbing the liquids properly, which affects the fluffiness.
  • Mash Immediately After Boiling: Once the potatoes are boiled and drained, mash them while they are still hot. This helps them break down more easily and allows the butter and milk to blend in smoothly.
  • Don’t Overwork the Potatoes: Over-mixing releases starch, which can lead to a gluey texture. Stop mashing as soon as the potatoes are smooth and fluffy.

Notes on Potato Varieties

  • Russets: Known for their high starch content, Russet potatoes are the best choice for fluffy mashed potatoes. They break down easily and soak up butter and milk like a sponge.
  • Yukon Golds: These potatoes have a slightly buttery flavor on their own and create a slightly creamier texture compared to Russets. You can mix the two varieties for a balance of creaminess and fluffiness.