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Deviled Egg Potato Salad


Discover the perfect Deviled Egg Potato Salad recipe. Creamy, tangy, and ideal for any gathering. Easy to make and delicious



Ingredients List 

  • 10 eggs
  • 6 russet potatoes, peeled and cubed
  • 1 cup mayonnaise
  • ¼ cup yellow mustard
  • ½ cup sweet pickle relish
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 celery stalks, diced
  • 1 bunch green onions, diced
  • ½ teaspoon paprika.


Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Boil Eggs: Place eggs in a pot, cover with water, and bring to a boil. Let them sit for 15 minutes in hot water before cooling in cold water.
  2. Cook Potatoes: Boil cubed potatoes until tender. Drain and cool them.
  3. Prepare Yolks: Cut eggs in half, remove yolks, and mash them with mayonnaise, mustard, relish, salt, and pepper.
  4. Combine Ingredients: Mix potatoes, diced egg whites, celery, and green onions with the yolk mixture. Adjust seasoning as needed. Sprinkle with paprika before serving.


  • For Extra Crunch: Add diced celery or red bell pepper to the salad. These ingredients enhance the texture and provide a refreshing crunch.
  • Cooling Potatoes: Allow the potatoes to cool slightly before mixing them with the dressing. This step prevents the potatoes from becoming too mushy while absorbing the flavors well.
  • Flavor Enhancements: Incorporate ingredients like dill pickle juice or hot sauce for an extra tangy kick. Adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper to taste.